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The calculator will find the average rate of change of the given function on the given interval, with steps shown30 mm ammunition is typically not used against personnel, but rather as an antimateriel or armorpiercing roundRounds of this size can be effective against lightly armored vehicles as well as fortified bunkers 30mm is also a popular calibre for shipboard closein weapons systems, such as the Russian AK630 and Dutch Goalkeeper CIWS The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use their 30The Rise and Fall of Freedom of Contract By P S Atiyah, dcl, FBA, Professor of English Law and Fellow of St John's College in the University of Oxford Oxford Clarendon Press Oxford University Press 1979 xi, 779 and (Index) 11 pp Cased £30·00 net Volume 39 Issue 2 Modelling The Epidemiology Of Residual Plasmodium Vivax Malaria In A Heterogeneous Host Population A Case Study In The Amazon Basin 30 'ã ŽµŒÜŽO ƒ}ƒ} "¯Œ^ ƒ~ƒfƒBƒAƒ€

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