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° A w g G ` h w , O ; This must mean that q is false and p ∧ (p → q) is true (if we want A → B to be false, we need A true and B false) Hence both p and p → q are true But this gives q true, which is a contradiction This technique is particularly slick for three'variable' statements as it saves you doing a giant 8row truth tableUiQ ""5 ~ E 0 cn cn 0) ~ ' cn ~ ~ c C" u cn cn 0) CO ~ = 0 "c E 0) 0) u cn ~ 0) "0 U 0 ~ ~ "0 c 0 0) ~ ~ c 0) 0) cn ~ cn C""= CO CO 'C ~ CO 0 "Co "iii CO

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W = F r Since F = QE = QV/r (since E = V/r) That makes W = QVr/r =QV Rearranging V = W/Q Where W = work done, Q = charge, F= coulomb force, E = electric field, r = distance, V = electric potential Edit Note that here I am assuming the simples11 PROPOSITIONS 7 p q ¬p p∧q p∨q p⊕q p → q p ↔ q T T F T T F T T T F F F T T F F F T T F T T T F F F T F F F T T Note that ∨ represents a nonexclusive or, ie, p∨ q is true when any of p, q is true and also when both are true On the other hand ⊕ represents an exclusive or, ie, p⊕ q is true only when exactly one of p and q is true 112= (/),, where G is proportional to N (as long as the molar ratio composition of the system remains the same) because μ i depends only on temperature and pressure and composition μ i / τ = − 1 / k B ( ∂ S / ∂ N i ) U , V {\displaystyle \mu _{i}/\tau =1/k_{B}\left(\partial S/\partial N_{i}\right)_{U,V}\,\!}

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