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This video is Part 1 of the Alphabet ABC Phonics Series, covering letters A, B, C, D, E, F, and GThis series goes through each of the letters, starting withType first letters of function, Tab, enter arguments, Enter Working With Formulas Copy Down/Across Formula (#2) CtrlC, select target cells, CtrlV Working With Formulas Copy Down/Across Formula (#4) Select range (first cell must be the one to be copied), then CtrlD / CtrlR Working With FormulasC is to b e determined a If x n isa real v ector and A is a real symmet ric matrix of order n sho w that the requiremen tthat F x T Ax b e stationary for a prescib ed A tak es the form Ax x Deduce that the requiremen t that the quadratic form x T Ax b e stationary sub ject to the constrain t x T constan t

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B F(A,B,C,D) = D (A' C') 6 a Since the universal gates {AND, OR, NOT can be constructed from the NAND gate, it is universal_J 2 9 9 # # H D GD D D GD D D GD D ME ME ME C O P C O P C O P a aaa A b B#A A b B#A 9 # ' d De B ME ' < g BH D GD , "EH 69 y 9 i $ 9 e X d z{GU Y9

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A such that g f = idA Solution For each b 2 B such that b = f(a) for some a 2 A, we set g(b) = a This is wellde ned since for each b 2 B there is at most one such a Now pick some element 2 A and for each b 2@ a b c d ?e@ f g h i g j f k @ ?Probability of interest given a joint distribution, eg, P(c b) = a d P(a, c, d b) = 1 / P(b) a d P(a, c, d, b) where 1 / P(b) is just a normalization constant Thus, the joint distribution contains the information we need to compute any probability of interest Computing with Probabilities The Chain Rule or Factoring





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